Reasons To Get Multi-Certified As a Salesforce Consultant

Oct 2, 2018
  • Salesforce Careers

The workplace has become fiercely competitive and in order to stand out, you need to have a unique value proposition. As such, you need to add value to the skills you already possess. Multiple certifications could give you an edge when presenting your credentials to Salesforce headhunters. Everyone is allocated the same 24 hours in a day and it is always up to you to choose how to utilize productivity. There have been several Salesforce certifications released in the last few years and you should take it upon yourself to take all the exams which will give you the competitive edge.


In order to be eligible for Salesforce certifications, you need to be: A professional, preferably in an Salesforce environment Basic education qualification should be a bachelor’s degree You should possess a clear working knowledge of basic Salesforce concepts


The examination pattern mainly consists of multiple questions which have to be completed in a stipulated time frame. The passing score for the certification is set at 65%. The certifications can be helpful for developers, architects, and sales operations professionals.

Some of the benefits of becoming Salesforce multiple-certified includes:

Increased knowledge of Your Field

Having Salesforce certifications will give you the opportunity to have an in-depth knowledge of the platform. This will in turn provide valuable insights in understanding customer relations and the sales process. As you dig deeper, you will come across tools that you haven’t used before despite having advanced knowledge of the platform.

Application in real life situation

The courses provided by Salesforce are meant to provide hands-on experience that can be applied in real life situations. There is a lot of materials and resources on industry-specific live projects and case studies which come in handy when looking at real-life examples. Anyone who works in an organization that interacts a lot with the customers needs to go through salesforce certifications. It is a strategic skill that will prove beneficial when trying to improve personal and business processes.

Improved analytical thinking

Understanding the customer is important when trying to improve the product or the processes. With Salesforce certifications, you get to learn how to identify patterns in trends and how to make important decisions with data. It will also improve your efficiency in the planning process.

Optimizing Salesforce implementation

Salesforce can be an invaluable tool for any business and its consistent success will depend on the implementation. There are companies that find it difficult to use Salesforce because it has been poorly implemented. This usually results in not taking full advantage of the potential of the tool. Having Salesforce certifications will help your company maximize the use of the platform.

Mandatory for Salesforce jobs

You can’t get a Salesforce job when you’re not certified to use the tool. It will be impossible to even get a call for an interview if you don’t have any certifications. The certification also comes with salary benefits. Those who are certified are likely to earn more than those without a Salesforce certification. For more information, you can check out our other posts on multi-certification benefits and the best Salesforce badges to start your career.

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