Case Study: accesso

A ticketing software company is thrilled with results from Pardot.

HEADQUARTERS:  London, England
INDUSTRY:  Travel & Tourism
SOLUTIONS:  Pardot, Salesforce Engage

accesso is a ticketing solutions company specializing in the Entertainment, Tourism and Attractions industry. The firm’s global reach and recent significant growth are driven by organic expansion and market leadership.

acces­so under­stands that tech­nol­o­gy is a crit­i­cal com­po­nent to business suc­cess. Their patent­ed and award-win­ning solu­tions dri­ve increased rev­enue for attrac­tion oper­a­tors in 30 countries, improv­ing the guest expe­ri­ence while help­ing clients stream­line oper­a­tions and har­ness the pow­er of data to inform intelligent busi­ness and mar­ket­ing decisions.

GO LIVE DATE: May 2019



A Salesforce customer for more over a decade, accesso created aggressive 2019 sales targets. Yet, executives had limited visibility into inbound lead generation efforts. VALiNTRY was hired to perform a Customer Instance Health Check and, once it was completed, accesso determined they should focus on:

  • Better prioritizing and qualifying inbound leads
  • Automatically increasing touchpoints on new leads
  • Seamlessly aligning sales and marketing efforts
  • Dramatically reducing sales process labor hours currently in place with BriteVerify & MailChimp



VALiNTRY360 implemented and configured Pardot as the marketing automation solution and accesso is self-managing post-delivery.

This implementation allowed accesso to:

  • Nurture contacts and segmented leads with targeted and automated campaigns
  • Implement Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategies to help marketing and sales partner to win new business
  • Provide sales targeted and marketing qualified leads (MQLs)
  • Understand and analyze each campaign’s performance

VALiNTRY360 helped accesso create success by providing:

  • Pardot implementation, configuration, and setup with Salesforce connector and Einstein Analytics
  • Salesforce Engage Setup, configuration, and license distribution for initial accesso sales users
  • Configuration of NeverBounce and Instapage form integration with Pardot
  • Five (5) one-hour training sessions via web conference


With VALiNTRY360’s assistance, accesso performed a complete overhaul of its sales organization and processes. With the successful integration and configuration of Pardot, Salesforce is now a system of impact vs system of record and accesso is solidly part of the Customer Ohana. Other results include:

Sales cycle was shortened by 7 days
An automated response process was created that eliminated human intervention via real time lead assignments by industry and territory


  • Helped to get the company to realize that they sell solutions not products
  • Initiated lead attribution based on sourced keyword and cost
  • Monetized existing educational process based on insights provided by Pardot
  • Defined, mapped and implemented specific customer journeys by client type
  • Created progressive lead profiling, scoring, and grading to qualify users based on activity